Chikurubi female prison celebrates Mother's Day

Chikurubi female prisoners joined the rest of the world in commemorating Mother's Day

By Tatenda Matambo

May 19, 2024

Inmates at Chikuribi Female Prison were this week treated to a heart-warming Mother's Day celebration which saw them spending quality time with their children. The event was organised by Jedidiah Trust in partnership with Siboniwe Trust Foundation and Nyaradzo Group and had various activities . The accation was characterised by various activities which included music , dance and eating competitions and these activities were meant foster family bonding and spread love;''said ZPCS. Musical perfomances added rythm and melody to the occassion; Games also livened the atmosphere with amusing Emcees adding an extra layer of excitement and ensuring that everyone present felt welcome and entertained throught the event;''ZPCS. However Jedidiah Trust Director Mr Lovemore Chikwanda said his organization remains steadfast in supporting incarcerated mothersin parenting their children during their thime in prison. We go beyond mere assistance ensuring children's education ,proper care-giving and fostering a bond between inmates and their families;''. Mr Lovemore Chikwanda. The inmates thanked ZPCS Management and Jedidiah Trust for according them the opportunity to interact with their children and share heartfelt conversations as well as nurture relationships.

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